Emsisoft’s free ransomware removal tools save users more than $500 million

Emsisoft is very active in the fight against ransomware and we’ve continuously worked hard to stay one step ahead of the bad guys.

Over the years, we’ve created 40 completely free ransomware decrypter tools that ransomware victims can use to recover their files without paying the ransom. 

How much of a dent have we put in the criminals’ profits? Let’s take a quick look at the math.  

Our decryption tools have been downloaded more than a million times: 1,144,351 times to be exact. And that doesn’t take mirror downloads into account, which means the total figure is probably significantly higher. But we’ll run with this number for now.  

The average ransomware is about $522. Multiply that by 1,144,351 and you get the princely sum of $597,351,222. To sum it up:  

Emsisoft’s free ransomware removal tools have prevented more than $500 million from falling into the hands of cybercriminals.  

Top 5 most popular Emsisoft ransomware removal tools:

  1. AutoLocky – 130,328 downloads 
  2. NemucodAES – 66,476 downloads 
  3. Nemucod – 65,419 downloads 
  4. FenixLocker – 60,758 downloads 
  5. CryptON – 58,753 downloads 

How to reduce the risk of ransomware infection 

As the old adage goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Ransomware decrypters are fantastic tools for recovering your files, but ideally, you should have a strategy in place to prevent malware from infecting your system in the first place. Here are a few tips to reduce the risk of ransomware making it onto your machine:  

1) Antivirus software: Good antivirus software with real-time protection capabilities can detect the presence of ransomware and stop it before it can make any changes to your system.  

2) Backups: The ultimate peace of mind. In the event that ransomware encrypts your data, you can simply wipe your system and reinstall your software and personal data.  

3) Update software: Developers regularly release updates to fix security vulnerabilities in their software. Always update your software when prompted and enable automatic updates wherever possible.  

4) Avoid clicking links in dodgy emails: Social engineering remains one of the most common attack vectors. Avoid clicking on links and opening attachments in emails unless you’re 100 percent certain that they’re safe. 

 5) Segment your business network: Ransomware often targets businesses. Companies of all sizes should limit access to different parts of the network depending on a user’s individual needs. Good network segmentation can prevent the threat from spreading and minimize disruption should one segment happen to fall victim to ransomware.

Have you been infected with ransomware? Check out our step-by-step ransomware removal guide to find out how you can get your files back. Alternatively, if you’re feeling tech-savvy, you might want to learn how to manually remove ransomware from your system

Have you used one of our decrypters to recover your files?

We want to hear your story! In the comments below, let us know which ransomware you were affected by and how you resolved the problem. 

Have a great (ransomware-free) day!